I was hoping this would help me to spend more valuable moments with my family and myself, and this actually has been the case. I certainly haven't missed spending hours scrolling through mindless news feeds, especially updates about Farmville or Mafia Wars or what not. And I absolutely haven't missed some of my "friends" who are so obsessed with their own political views that they can no longer hold their tongue when someone offers up a kind word about our president (Seriously. Get a life.).
However, I do miss the good stuff. I miss updates from friends and family who live far away. I miss being able to drop inane comments about my uneventful life into the Internet. I miss the sense of community - whether real or not - that Facebook allows one to feel.
I stick to my guns, though, so I will still be "fasting" for 5 more weeks. Let me just say, though, I miss you, friends!